
2010年10月19日 星期二

永保年輕的心 (Keep Young Mind Forever)

所思所想要謹慎,因為生命是由思想定型的。- 《聖經》箴言4章23節


  • 你常因為生活中簡單的事物感到興奮與滿足。

  • 你知道自己真正想要的是什麼,並且不會輕易放棄。

  • 你能很快的原諒並忘記別人曾經的過錯。

  • 你很真誠、不複雜,且不會害怕做自己。

  • 你對生活和人們保有好奇,且不帶有論斷和偏見。

  • 你樂於探索這個世界,就算可能會受傷。

  • 你相信任何事都是有可能的,且總是懷有夢想。


Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. - Hold Bilbe, Proverbs 4:23

It is believed that having a child's view of life is a way of remaining young and lively forever. When you are like a child, it means that:

  • You are oftern excited and content by the simple things in life.

  • You know what you really want and won't give up easily.

  • You can be quick to forgive and forget past offensese from others.

  • You are genuine, uncomplicated and not afraid to be yourself.

  • You are curious about life and people without being judgemental or prejudicial.

  • You love to explore this world, even if you may get hurt.

  • You believe anything is possible and always have dreams.

Youth is not a time in your life, but a state of mind, It means that you can show your creativity and have the courage to venture out and to love.
